The Finnish Institute at Athens invites you to the 37th Annual Meeting on May 23rd, 7pm. The event will be…
The Finnish Institute at Athens is very happy to welcome you to follow a fascinating lecture and round-table discussion on…
The thirteenth Johannes Sundwall Lecture will be held on November 15 at 7 p.m. The lecturer is Dr. Frederick Whitling,…
The Finnish Institute at Athens will organise a series of lectures between 23 June and 21 July 2021 on the plays of Aristophanes
Αναφορά πεπραγμένων του Φινλανδικού Ινστιτούτου Αθηνών πραγματοποιήθηκε 20 Μαΐου, 7 μ.μ. (UTC+2) ως διαδικτυακή εκδήλωση.
The Finnish Institute at Athens and the Swedish Institute at Athens have the pleasure to invite you to the lecture…