MA, M.Soc.Sci Lassi Jakola appointed as the next Assistant Director

MA, M.Soc.Sci Lassi Jakola has been appointed as the Finnish Institute’s next Assistant Director. The current post holder Antti Lampinen will hand over to Jakola on August 1st 2023. Jakola (b. 1985) has studied philosophy, Greek language and literature, history and classical archaeology at the universities of Helsinki and Munich. The public examination of his doctoral dissertation in social and moral philosophy, “The Philosophy of The Varieties of Goodness (1963): Essays on G. H. von Wright’s Theory of Value and Moral Philosophy”, will take place on 14 February 2023 at the University of Helsinki. He is also preparing a doctoral dissertation in Greek language and literature on the accounts of logos given by 5th century BCE sophists. During his tenure as the assistant director of the Finnish Institute at Athens, Jakola will investigate the emergence of select philosophical concepts in classical antiquity and the philological work of Nicholas Bachtin (1896–1950). Besides his research, he is broadly interested in ancient philosophy, Greek literature and questions pertaining to the history of Greek language.