PMFIA | Grifos | Other Publications
The Institute has its own scholarly publication series Papers and Monographs of the Finnish Institute at Athens (PMFIA). Apart from publications of the Institute’s research projects and conference proceedings, the series includes doctoral dissertations and other publications of scholars attached to the Institute.
The PMFIA editorial board consists of the following members: Petra Pakkanen (FIA), Björn Forsén (University of Helsinki), Mika Kajava (University of Helsinki), Martti Leiwo (University of Helsinki), Torsten Mattern (Universität Trier), Jari Pakkanen (University of London: Royal Holloway), Olga Palagia (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Manna Satama (Foundation of the Finnish Institute at Athens), Giovanni Salmeri (Università di Pisa), Vesa Vahtikari (University of Helsinki), Antti Lampinen (Nordic Library at Athens).
In Greece the publications are distributed by Andromeda Books.
Gunnar af Hällström (ed.), Apologists and Athens: Early Christianity Meets Ancient Greek Thinking, Helsinki 2020, 167 pp.
ISBN 978-952-68500-5-4
Björn Forsén (ed.), Thesprotia Expedition IV. Region Transformed by Empire, Helsinki 2019, 482 pp.
ISBN 978-952-68500-4-7
Arja Karivieri (ed.), The Early Christian Basilica of Arethousa in Macedonia I. Production, Consumption and Trade, Helsinki 2017, 239 pp + 11 pls.
ISBN 978-952-68500-2-3
Björn Forsén, Nena Galanidou and Esko Tikkala (eds.), Thesprotia Expedition III. Landscapes of Nomadism and Sedentism, Helsinki 2016, 362 pp + 11 pls.
ISBN 978-952-68500-0-9
Petra Pakkanen and Susanne Bocher (eds.), Cult Material. From Archaeological Deposits to Interpretation of Early Greek Religion, Helsinki 2015, 155 pp + 11 pls.
ISBN 978-952-67211-9-4
Vesa Vahtikari, Tragedy Performances Outside Athens in the Late Fifth and the Fourth Centuries BC, Helsinki 2014, 334 pp.
PMFIA_XX_Introduction_Conclusions PMFIA_XX_Introduction_Conclusions Appendix II List of Vases (xlsx).
ISBN 978-952-67211-8-7
Risto Pekka Pennanen, Panagiotis C. Poulos and Aspasia Theodosiou (eds.), Ottoman Intimacies, Balkan Musical Realities, Helsinki 2013, 173 pp.
ISBN 978-952-67211-5-6
Jari Pakkanen,
Classical Greek Architectural Design: a Quantitative Approach,
Helsinki 2013, 127 pp. Method and Conclusions (pdf)
ISBN 978-952-67211-6-3
Martti Leiwo, Hilla Halla-aho and Marja Vierros (eds.),
Variation and Change in Greek and Latin, Helsinki 2012, 177 pp.
ISBN 978-952-67211-4-9
Björn Forsén and Esko Tikkala (eds.),
Thesprotia Expedition II. Environment and Settlement Patterns,
Helsinki 2011, 392 pp. PMFIA_XVI_The Emerging Settlement Patterns of the Kokytos Valley.
ISBN 978-952-67211-2-5
Björn Forsén (ed.),
Thesprotia Expedition I. Towards a Regional History,
Helsinki 2009, 276 pp. PMFIA_XV_An Interdisciplinary Odyssey into the Past
ISBN 978-952-67211-0-1
Leena Pietilä Castrén and Vesa Vahtikari (eds.),
Grapta Poikila II. Saints and Heroes, Helsinki 2008, 133 pp.
ISBN 978-951-98806-9-3
Björn Forsén and Giovanni Salmeri (eds.),
The Province Strikes Back. Imperial Dynamics in the Eastern Mediterranean, Helsinki 2008, 215 pp. PMFIA_XIII_Ideology and Practice of Empire.
ISBN 978-951-98806-8-6
Maria Niku, The Official Status of the Foreign Residents in Athens 322–120 B.C.,
Helsinki 2007, 181 pp.
ISBN 978-951-98806-7-9
Leena Pietilä-Castrén,
The Graeco-Roman Terracotta Figurines of Finland and their Collectors, Helsinki 2007, 100 pp.
ISBN 978-951-98806-6-2
Petra Pakkanen,
August Myhrberg and North-European Philhellenism. Building the Myth of a Hero,
Helsinki 2006, 260 pp. Out of Print.
ISBN 951-98806-5-8
Maria Gourdouba, Leena Pietilä-Castrén and Esko Tikkala (eds.),
The Eastern Mediterranean in the Late Antique and Early Byzantine Periods, Helsinki 2004, 98 pp. Out of Print.
ISBN 951-98806-3-1
Leena Pietilä-Castrén and Marjaana Vesterinen (eds.),
Grapta Poikila I,
Helsinki 2003, 130 pp.
ISBN 951-98806-1-5
Olli Salomies (ed.),
The Greek East in the Roman Context. Proceedings of a Colloquium Organized by the Finnish Institute at Athens, May 21 and 22, 1999, Helsinki 2001, 217 + 12 pp.
ISBN 951-98806-0-7
Jaakko Frösén (ed.),
Early Hellenistic Athens. Symptoms of a Change,
Helsinki 1997, 226 + XVI pp.
ISBN 951-95295-7-8
Arja Karivieri,
The Athenian Lamp Industry in Late Antiquity,
Helsinki 1996, 328 pp.
ISBN 951-95295-6-X
Björn Forsén,
Griechische Gliederweihungen. Eine Untersuchung zu ihrer Typologie und ihrer religions- und sozialgeschichtlichen Bedeutung, Helsinki 1996, 226 pp.
ISBN 951-95295-5-1
Petra Pakkanen,
Interpreting Early Hellenistic Religion. A Study Based on the Mystery Cult of Demeter and the Cult of Isis, Athens 1996, 171 pp. Out of Print (pdf part 1 / part 2)
ISBN 951-95295-4-3
Björn Forsén and Greg Stanton (eds.),
The Pnyx in the History of Athens
Proceedings of an International Colloquium Organised by the Finnish Institute at Athens, 7 – 9 October 1994, Helsinki 1996, 142 pp. Out of Print
ISBN 951-95295-3-5
Paavo Castrén (ed.),
Post-Herulian Athens. Aspects of Life and Culture in Athens, A.D. 267 – 529, Helsinki 1994, 188 pp. Out of Print (chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 3 / chapter 4 / chapter 5 / chapter 6 / abbreviations and bibliography / illustrations)
ISBN 951-95295-2-7
Grifos is an open access, peer-reviewed, fully electronic publication series by the Finnish Institute at Athens, that was established in 2022, with the aim to offer a quicker and more flexible publication channel compared to the Institute’s more traditional print pressed Papers and Monographs of the Finnish Institute at Athens (PMFIA) series. In addition to the peer-reviewed research articles, it is also possible to publish shorter, non-peer-reviewed texts, different kinds of reports, literary translations, exhibition catalogues as well as review articles based on the events and lectures organised or held at the Finnish Institute at Athens.
The Grifos editorial board consists of the following members: Björn Forsén (University of Helsinki), Arja Karivieri (Stockholm University), Antti Lampinen (Nordic Library at Athens), Torsten Mattern (Universität Trier), Jari Pakkanen (University of London: Royal Holloway), Petra Pakkanen (FIA), Olga Palagia (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Tiina Purola (Foundation of the Finnish Institute at Athens), Giovanni Salmeri (Università di Pisa), Renja Suominen-Kokkonen (University of Helsinki), Vesa Vahtikari (Helsinki) and Marja Vierros (University of Helsinki).
Maarit Kaimio (ed.), The Finnish Institute at Athens: Inaugural Lectures 21 – 22. May 1985, Helsinki 1986, 32 pp. (Understanding Greek Tragedy / The Greek Revival in Finland).
Paavo Castrén (ed.), Ancient and Popular Healing. Symposium on Ancient Medicine. Athens 4 – 10 October 1986, Helsinki 1989, 125 pp.
Paavo Castrén (ed.), Ancient Technology. Symposium on Ancient Technology 30.3 – 4.4.1987,
Tekniikan museon julkaisuja V, Helsinki 1990, 85 pp. Out of print
Jaakko Frösén (ed.), Γράμματα από την αρχαιότητα. Παπύρινες κατασκευές και πάπυροι από την ελληνική και τη ρωμαϊκή Αίγυπτο, Αθήνα 1992, 62 σ. Letters from the Ancient World. Mummy cartonnages and Papyri from Greek and Roman Egypt
Athens 1992, 62 pp. Out of print
Jari Pakkanen, The Temple of Athena Alea at Tegea. A Reconstruction of the Peristyle Column,
Publications by the Department of Art History at the University of Helsinki, no. XVIII in Co-operation with the Finnish Institute at Athens, Helsinki 1998, 76+115 pp. (pdf part 1 / part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5) Out of print
Petra Pakkanen and Jari Pakkanen (toim.), Penelope. Tarinoita asuntolasta. Suomen Ateenan-instituutin asuntola 1986 – 1998,
Ateena 1999, 56 s.
Jari Pakkanen and Timo Tuomi (eds.), Αρχιτεκτονικές Παρατήρησεις. Σκίτσα φινλανδών αρχιτεκτόνων από την Ελλάδα, Ελσίνκι 2000, 29 σ.
Architectural Observations. Finnish architects’ travel sketches from GreeceHelsinki 2000, 29 pp. Out of Print
Maria Martzoukou and Reija Tanninen (toim.), Näkymätön ja näkyvä. Nykykreikkalaisia novelleja, Jyväskylä 2000, 205 s.
Maria Martzoukou and Leena Pietilä-Castrén (eds.), Φορητές Εικονές από τη Φινλανδία, Ελσίνκι 2003. Icons from Finland, Helsinki 2003, 31 pp.
Leena Pietilä-Castrén (toim.), Akropoliin juurella. Suomen Ateenan instituutti 1984 – 2004, Helsinki 2004, 113 s. (Instituutin vaiheet osa 1 / Instituutin vaiheet osa2 / Instituutin toimipaikat).
Μπιορν Φορσέν and Βασίλης Καρδάσης, Αγαπητή Μισητή μου Αθήνα! Στιγμιότυπα από τη ζωή του φινλανδού ελληνιστή Βίλχελμ Λάγκους,
Published in co-operation with Hestia Publications, Αθήνα 2009, 171 σ.
Kira Kaurinkoski, Kreikka ja Suomen talvisota. Kreikkalaisten sotakirjeenvaihtajien uutissanomat, Helsinki 2010, 270 s.
Kari Palonen and Anthoula Malkopoulou (eds.), Rhetoric, Politics and Conceptual Change, Helsinki 2011, 109 s. Out of print
Mika Kajava, Erja Salmenkivi and Manna Satama (eds.), Kivi – Sakset – Papyrus. Kirjoituksia professori Jaakko Frösénin 70-vuotissyntymäpäivän kunniaksi,
Helsinki 2013, 136 s.
Maria Martzoukou, Jari Pakkanen and Timo Tuomi (eds.), Finnish Architects – Gazing upon Greece: Sketches and Photographs, Helsinki 2016, 71 s.
Vassilis Letsios and Maria Martzoukou, Ένα καράβι αχνοφαίνεται στον ορίζοντα. Ο Φινλανδός περιηγητής Όσκαρ Έμιλ Τουντέερ στην Ελλάδα και το Χισαρλίκ (1881-1882), Αθήνα 2017, 286 σ.
Björn Forsén and Maria Martzoukou (eds.), Τρεις Ευρωπαϊκές τραγωδίες: οι εμφύλιοι πόλεμοι στη Φινλανδία, την Ισπανία και την Ελλάδα = Three European tragedies: the civil wars of Finland, Spain and Greece, Helsinki 2019, 43 s.
Μπγιορν Φορσέν and Μαρία Μαρτζούκου (eds.), “Ψέμα κι απάτη”: Φινλανδοί στον Ελληνοτουρκικό πόλεμο του 1897, Αθήνα 2021, 337 σ.